


Kaloja pitää olla.

Hajalla jo ennen ku tapasin sut,
kerran rakastin mut siitäki sain takaiskun.
Niin ruvella siit, et kynnys uudestaan ruveta nousee joka päivä,
ja inspis alkaa huveta.

tuntuu tältä.Perjantai 10.01.2014 14:26

But, don't you threaten me with a good time.
Murder the moment.
My God, I'm the serpent.
I'm sorry, I can't see that you truly love me.

And I don't wanna wait for the down-set date
'cause I would rather end it all tonight.
And if I mean anything to you,
I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.

'Cause you're about to miss everything.
But don't just say it, you should sing my name.
Pretend that it's a song 'cause forever it's yours,
and we can sing this on the way home.
I'll sing along,
'cause I don't know any other song.
I'll sing along,
but I'm barely hanging on.

And now in your eyes I can't find you.Keskiviikko 08.01.2014 01:49

And I don't need such sympathy,
but a care would be so nice to have once in a while.
You mean more to me than I could ever tell.
So sorry that I'm taken aback,
but I just can't help it.

huohPerjantai 03.01.2014 17:30

vituttaa kosmisesti

hurrpurrPerjantai 20.12.2013 02:07


Maanantai 09.12.2013 01:59
