


Fuck this shit, im outta here


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Jump In The FireTorstai 27.08.2009 23:17

Perustuu tavallaan tositapahtumiin... Elämä oli ja on

Jump In The Fire_ // omistettu elämälle ja sen pahalle tavalle olla niin vittumainen, joskus...

I was young, maniac. Too brave and stupid.
Making the jump would make the hero I wanted to be.

The jump went wrong, leap was short.
Flames swallowed me and made scars without remorse.

It felt like pain was embracing agony and together
lashing me with burning steel whips over my body.

Blisters, burns, smoke in eyes, couldn't see.
Only thing I felt was tears on cheeks,
knives on my skin, guilt of being thoughtless

Was I lucky to have an early suffering?
To make the inner burns less painless when older...?

I've survived it once, and I will fucking survive it again...
From the fire within, and flames burning me through life

Vitutuksen purkua...Sunnuntai 05.07.2009 04:15

Tähän on tarkotus lisätä ain jottai hauskaa ku alkaa vituttaa...

5 screws on the loose, oh no wich way to go, turn around and enjoy the sound, got some bonus but still amount was from UrAnus

I got ace up in my sleeve, im gonna leave. Wont fit, dont care a bit. Master of masters makes two in a week, step aside old fart. "And no more errors with the memory cards", fuck you asshole. Im gonna deal you a streak and full house of shut the fuck up.


Unentarve on kuinnii?Perjantai 29.05.2009 09:58

Taas päästään aina niin ihanien yövuoro sekoilujen pariin...uunituoretta pullaa

Mä lähden kellonympärimatkalle unten maille
Siellä on AikA hauskaa, tuntitolkulla
12:sta rundin paskarinki

Oma kuukin sillä on, taikakuu
30 päivää se kiertää, kerran kuussa

Dream Killer_Perjantai 22.05.2009 22:53

Taas joku löytö jostain kadonneista zippi-tiedostoista... vuodelt 5 j.Ts (tyynysodan)

Dream Killer

Thank you, for taking away my dreams
hold them in your hands, white knuckles
around their neck suffocating

I can't thank you more, because you have proven
that i was right from the beginning

En ole katkera mutta kuitenkin...Hmh

Here I..._Torstai 14.05.2009 19:35

Here I lay straight
Down on my cradle

Close my eyes
Exhale gently and relieved

Forget my body
Concentrate on nothing

Hear a heartbeat
Feel circulation

Float in unbounded mind
Disconnect from reality

No dimensions, no persistence
Mind is free, dreamlike

Control infinity, everything
Go places unclimbable

Master the powers of mind
Undo mistakes

Make the world a better place
Live as desired
Fall asleep, lose control

Start snoring
Fall in chains

Lose grip from fiction
Wake up to hallusination

Mitä hitaammin ja ajatuksella luet sen parempi
Olotila pää täys räkää ideointivaiheessa :-8''

Sen jälkke ku oot lukenu ni voit kysyy itteltäs;
tuleeks tekstin mukanen olo joskus ennen ku nukahdat...


Psycho CircusKeskiviikko 29.04.2009 05:19

Tällänen pätkähti mieleen yhen bändin leyvnkannen kuvaa ajatellessa
Vois kuvitella jonkun lierihattuisen, nahkaruoskaisen ja rasputinin näkösen tirehtöörin keräävään ihmisiä pelaamaan...

Psycho Circus_

Ladies and gentlemen!
Boys and Girls!
Step right up! Step right up!

Do you have courage
to play this game?

It will blow your mind
Fill you with excitement

Do you have the strength
to make the weight go up?
Squeeze all out you can
and hear the bell say;

The Grand Prize is invaluable
It can not be seen by human eye
It will make your troubles vanish
It will heal your body and cleanse your soul

Come play the game!

It's called: Hug A Ton


ps. täs pelis ei käytetä nuijaa, eli whack a ton vai mikä vittu sen pelin nimi on? auttakee...

Perfectly FlawedTorstai 23.04.2009 06:11

Toinen ikuisuusprojekti, visuaalisesta ideasta sanoiksi. Idea syntyi vuonna ryppy ja pinaatti...


Seison sen juurella, odotan
Sen suojaksi tein itselleni

Sen lujuutta voi ihailla,

Jos sen ajattelet tuhoavasi
Annat tunteen tulvan huuhtoa
Annat virran viedä mukanasi
Nauttisit sen hyväilevistä aalloista

Loppumaton tulva
se ei kuivu, pysähdy...

Pato, sen juurella seisot
Sen suoja on tukenasi

Sen voi tuhota yhdellä sanalla
Sanotko sen?


Ymmärräkste symboliikkaa?Torstai 23.04.2009 04:48

Me, I paint a malformed box with a color
and leave it behind for you to examine.

That's the only trail you're gonna
get from me.

Decide what you decide, that's up to you.
I really dont give a damn what...


Elämä pähkinänkuoressaLauantai 18.04.2009 04:07

Tätä onkin sitte luotu useempi vuosi, meni vissiin puol vuotta pelkästään päättää et se on valmis
Hiljaa hyvä tulee?

- Can I cry?

There it is, the feeling
the feeling that brings me down again
I wanna grab it
and pull it away from my head
and throw it in to oblivion

There used to be me..I dont exist anymore
im walking down the green mile, with nothing to remember
im walking down the line, without a memory

I have lost hope,
happiness; and unknown concept //kuiskaten

I have seen it all
experience; dont need more

Worn out feelings,
passion; wasted it all

Tired of life,
luck; never had enough

I wanna forget the past,
tears; wish I could make one

Can I cry? Haven't I earned to cry?
Will you let me? See me suffer
from the inside, never see my tears


Designed By Death - AdrenalineTiistai 14.04.2009 23:01

Tämmösseen löysin kaiken vanhan tavaran ja ryppyisen paperitollon sisältä,
vuodelta -01 tai -02 kait


First time this feeling overwhelms me,
feeling it taking me to unknown feeling

It gets me high over the above
Feeling it burning my heart in the end...
If the rush goes on, i'm not gonna make it !!

So restless I am, squeezing my fists
as I wish for this to end

Bleeding ears is a sign for overdose
gotta get some more, it makes smash
the overload of obsession

The more I rage, the more I Bleed

Make it stop, time is never on my side
Stop me, you never were on my side

Pull me out of this circle of adrenaline

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